I have been on a real pilsner kick lately, even though the weather hasn't been the traditionally warm San Diego spring. In the past two-three months any time I am out and I see a true pilsner on tap, I order one. For some reason they have just been calling to me. I have not brewed that many lagers (4), and most of the attempts have been sub-par at best. I believe my biggest mistake has been the lack of attenuation due to pitching too little yeast. After doing some research this fall when my Octoberfest failed I have found many homebrewers use dry yeast as an alternative to starters made with liquid yeast. I will be testing this out on this batch using Saflager S-23. My luck with dry ale yeast has been great so I hope for the same success with dry lager yeast.
Recipe: German Pilsner Malt, Germna Munich Malt, and US Carapils. Saflager S-23, German Hallartauer at 60 and at 1 minute additions.
Would love to know how this turned out. I haven't brewed a lager yet and was hoping to do a pilsner using s-23. I've heard it's not a great yeast and would like to know what you thought.